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ADO.NET Entity Framework

2022-12-03    8470次浏览




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View Code
1 /// <summary>
2 /// 添加文章
3 /// </summary>
4 /// <param name="form">提交的Form</param>
5   [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)]
6 [ValidateInput(false)]
7 [ValidateUserLogin(Order = 1)]
8 [MyAuthorityValidation(Order = 2)]
9 public ActionResult Add(FormCollection form)
10 {
11 Blog.Models.Articles article = null;
12 if (form != null)
13 {
14 if (Blog.Utility.Article.Token == 0)
15 {
16 #region 验证用户输入
17 if (form["txtTitle"].IsNullOrEmpty())
18 {
19 ViewData["Message"] = JSUtility.GetScript("$.MsgBox(\"请输入文章标题!\");");
20 return View();
21 }
22 if (form["ddlCat"].IsNullOrEmpty())
23 {
24 ViewData["Message"] = JSUtility.GetScript("$.MsgBox(\"文章类别有误!\");");
25 return View();
26 }
27 if (Suxibo.Convert.ToInt32(form["ddlCat"]) == -1)
28 {
29 ViewData["Message"] = JSUtility.GetScript("$.MsgBox(\"请选择文章类别!\");");
30 return View();
31 }
32 if (form["editor1"].IsNullOrEmpty())
33 {
34 ViewData["Message"] = JSUtility.GetScript("$.MsgBox(\"请输入文章内容!\");");
35 return View();
36 }
37 #endregion
38 int userId = ((Blog.Models.UserInfo)Session["UserInfo"]).Usr_Id;
39 try
40 {
41 #region ==发布文章==
42 using (Blog.Models.BlogDb db = new Models.BlogDb())
43 {
44 DateTime datetime = DateTime.Now;
45 //初始化一个文章实体对象
46   article = new Models.Articles();
47 //将当前时间转换成指定的格式并作为文章编号
48   article.Art_Id = datetime.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
49 #region 设置类别
50 //获取用户选择的文章类别编号
51   int AC_Id = Suxibo.Convert.ToInt32(form["ddlCat"]).GetValueOrDefault();
52 //根据用户选择的文章类别编号获取对应的文章类别实体
53   var selectedCat = db.ArtCategory.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AC_Id == AC_Id);
54 //将当前文章实体的类别指向上面选定的文章类别实体
55 article.ArtCategoryReference.Value = selectedCat;
56 #endregion
57 //设置文章标题
58 article.Art_Title = form["txtTitle"].HtmlEncode();
59 //设置文章发布时间
60 article.Art_PostTime = datetime;
61 //设置文章是否置顶
62 article.Art_IsTopest = form["chkTopest"] == "on" ? true : false;
63 //设置文章内容
64 article.Art_Content = form["editor1"].HtmlDecode().HtmlEncode();
65 #region 设置用户
66 //根据登录用户的编号获取用户实体
67 var selectedUser = db.UserInfo.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Usr_Id == userId);
68 //将当前文章实体对应的用户实体指向上面选定的用户实体
69 article.UserInfoReference.Value = selectedUser;
70 #endregion
71 //设置文章的标签
72 article.Art_Tag = form["txtTag"].HtmlEncode();
74 if (article.Art_IsTopest.Value)
75 {
76 article.Art_TopTime = datetime;
77 }
78 //添加当前文章实体到数据库
79 db.AddToArticles(article);
80 bool rs = db.SaveChanges() > 0;
81 if (rs)
82 {
83 string artUrl = "/Archives/Details/".ToAbsoluteUrl() + article.Art_Id;
84 string dirUrl = ("~/Archives/" + datetime.Year + "/" + datetime.Month + "/");
85 string fileName = article.Art_Id + ".html";
86 UriBuilder ub = new UriBuilder(artUrl);
87 Utility.Article.MakeStaticHtmlPage(ub.Uri, dirUrl, fileName);
88 return RedirectToAction("SkipPrompt", new { success = true, returnMessage = "发布成功!", returnUrl = dirUrl.ToUrl() + fileName });
89 }
90 else
91 {
92 return RedirectToAction("SkipPrompt", new { success = false, returnMessage = "发布失败!" });
93 }
94 }
95 #endregion
96 }
97 catch (Exception ex)
98 {
99 return RedirectToAction("SkipPrompt", new { success = false, returnMessage = "发布失败!原因:" + ex.Message });
100 }
101 finally
102 {
103 Blog.Utility.Article.Token++;
104 }
105 }
106 else
107 {
108 ViewData["Message"] = JSUtility.GetScript("$.MsgBox(\"不可重复提交!\");");
109 }
110 }
111 return View();
112 }

说明:在指定与文章实体关联的文章类别实体时,不可用这种方式去设置:article.ArtCategory.AC_Id = AC_Id;  即不可通过给文章实体的关联实体ArtCategoryAC_Id赋值去实现。原因:其一,由于未调用文章实体的关联属性的Load方法,即 article.ArtCategoryReference.Load();  ,所以 article.ArtCategory 值为null,此时引用它必定报错。其二,即使调用了前面的Load()方法,则程序依然报错,因为article的关联实体ArtCategory的主键值是AC_Id,它是自动增长字段,是不允许被修改的!所以必须通过更改文章实体对文章类别实体的引用才可以执行通过。







/// <summary>
2 /// 删除文章
3 /// </summary>
4 /// <param name="Id">文章编号</param>
5 [ValidateUserLogin(Order = 1)]
6 [MyAuthorityValidation(Order = 2)]
7 public ContentResult Delete(string Id)
8 {
9 if (Request.IsAjaxRequestx())
10 {
11 string contentType = "text/plain";
12 if (Permission.IsTimeOut())
13 return Content("您已登录超时,请重新登录后再操作!", contentType);
14 if (Id.IsNullOrEmpty())
15 {
16 return Content("不存在指定编号的文章!", contentType);
17 }
18 if (!Id.IsNumber())
19 {
20 return Content("请求的文章编号错误!", contentType);
21 }
22 using (System.Transactions.TransactionScope trans = new TransactionScope())
23 {
24 using (Blog.Models.BlogDb db = new Models.BlogDb())
25 {
26 var sla = db.Articles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Art_Id == Id);
27 if (sla.Comment != null && !sla.Comment.IsLoaded)
28 sla.Comment.Load();
29 while (sla.Comment.Count > 0)
30 {
31 var co = sla.Comment.FirstOrDefault();
32 if (co != null)
33 {
34 if (co.AdminReply != null && !co.AdminReply.IsLoaded)
35 co.AdminReply.Load();
36 while (co.AdminReply.Count > 0)
37 {
38 db.DeleteObject(co.AdminReply.FirstOrDefault());
39 }
40 db.DeleteObject(co);
41 }
42 }
43 db.DeleteObject(sla);
44 int rs = db.SaveChanges();
45 trans.Complete();
46 if (rs > 0)
47 {
48 Article.DeleteStaticHtmlPageFile(Id);
49 return Content("0", contentType);
50 }
51 }
52 }
53 return Content("删除失败!", contentType);
54 }
55 return Content("服务器拒绝请求!");
56 }





 /// <summary>
2 /// 获取指定范围的文章
3 /// </summary>
4 /// <param name="pageIndex">起始索引</param>
5 /// <param name="pageSize">记录的个数</param>
6 /// <param name="url">地址</param>
7 /// <param name="catId">文章类别编号</param>
8 public PageOfList<Articles> GetArticlesList(int pageIndex, int pageSize, string url, string catId)
9 {
10 using(BlogDb Db = new BlogDb())
11 {
12 var src = Db.Articles
13 .OrderByDescending(x => x.Art_IsTopest)
14 .ThenByDescending(x => x.Art_PostTime)
15 .ThenByDescending(x => x.Art_TopTime)
16 .ToList();
18 if (src != null)
19 {
20 foreach (var s in src)
21 {
22 if (s != null)
23 {
24 if (s.UserInfoReference != null && !s.UserInfoReference.IsLoaded)
25 s.UserInfoReference.Load();
26 if (s.ArtCategoryReference != null && !s.ArtCategoryReference.IsLoaded)
27 s.ArtCategoryReference.Load();
28 if (s.ArtCategoryReference != null && !s.Comment.IsLoaded)
29 s.Comment.Load();
30 }
31 }
32 }
34 /**
35 * 由于这里出现了对ArtCategory实体的引用,所以上面必须先加载与当前Article关联的
36 * ArtCategory实体
37 * */
38 var rs = src.Where(x => x.ArtCategory.AC_Id.ToString() == catId);
40 if (rs != null)
41 {
42 return new PageOfList<Articles>(rs, pageIndex, pageSize, url);
43 }
44 return null;
45 }
46 }


说明:在上述查询中,我需要获取文章实体的关联实体ArtCategory的属性AC_Id的值,这时需要注意的是,如果在这之前没加载关联实体ArtCategory,那么这个操作将不会被编译通过,原因在操作一中已经解释了。其次,还要注意一点很重要的,就是在写Linq to sql 或者 Entity Sql语句时,一定要搞清哪些方法是可以在linq to sql中执行的,

哪些方法是只能在linq to object中执行的。比方说上面代码中的这一句:var rs = src.Where(x => x.ArtCategory.AC_Id.ToString() == catId);我为什么可以用.ToString()方法?因为我在前面已经把srcToList()了,如果没有把srcToList(),那么.ToString()方法将不能用于这里,因为.ToString()linq to object里面的方法,而不是linq to sql里面的方法!切记!
